As far as I can see, my CT has very good communication with the parents. My CT is known in the school as the teacher who "goes big" with her classroom projects and because of this, she needs a lot of help. I often times see parents volunteering their time to come in and help with the big projects. When the students were learning about the moon phases, my CT had a parent come in and guide the students while they painted 3 foot moons so they could hang them up in the hallway. When the parents come into the classroom to volunteer, I think it gives them comfort to see how the class is run on a day to day basis. They can see that their child is getting the proper amount of attention and is actively engaging in their classroom activities.
Honestly, I don't remember my parents having a lot of communication with my teachers except for at parent teacher conferences. But I don't think my parents cared too much. However, something that we had that my placement doesn't do is having the parents sign our planners everyday. It forced our parents to look at our assignments due everyday and check to see if we actually finished them. There were also letters sent home if something important was coming up but overall, my parents never came into the class to help out; not because they didn't want to...but the option wasn't available.
Some ideas as to how to get parents involved in the learning processes is doing what my CT does and having parent volunteers come in and help with large projects. If the parents want to know how their child is progressing or what they are learning, they should be checking their child's planner and they should be asked to sign their homework so it proves that it's been looked over. Also, sending e-mails to the parents about their child's progress is a good way to keep them updated and involved.
Just curious what grade are you in this year. I loved reading about your CT does because I have not been able to witness a whole lot of teacher parent interaction. I am not sure if it is not there or if I just do not witness it. I think it is great that in your placement parents come in to help as you said that is a great way to being able to show the parents exactly what their kids are doing on a day to day basis. When they come in do they help with crafty things such as hanging posters as you said or have they ever helped with say a math problem etc? When reading about what your ct does that is a great way that parents who do not have to work during school hours can come. What do you think is a good way to get others parents who are working and can not come in during school hours to visually see what their children are doing? I only ask because I think it is so important but I myself can not think of a good way for this to happen for the many working parents. When you talked about the planners that is something I never had in school but it is something that my CT does. Every night their parents must sign their planners. She also communicates through email and making postings online. Overall I just really believe in a strong parent teacher interaction but I see everyday how hard it is to get in contact with every parent. That is why I am so open to hearing all the things teachers do to get and keep these connections with parents.