Breitfelder: When reading this article, there was mention of using visuals such as daily schedules, etc. to help some students who have autism in the classroom because they are more visual learners. I thought this was interesting because I am sure that it does help students with autism, but I also feel that some "regular" students might also be visual learners, so would some teachers not provide these visual pieces if they did not specifically have disabled students in their classroom? I know that my CT has a lot of visual supports in her classroom and as far as I know, there are not any students who have autism. She has a whole area devoted to "morning message" visuals such as a calendar, agenda, etc. She also has another board where she keeps track of groups of students for their daily 5 work so they can actually see what they are supposed to be working on and who else is working on that task so they could ask them for help if they needed it. The example in the classroom with the daily 5 work reminds me of the work centers that are mentioned in this article. The students are depending on the visual cues of the posted card to direct them what to do. In regards to supporting a variety of learners, I think this article helped me the best because it gave me numerous ideas on how to set up my classroom so even if I can't personally be helping students one on one all the time, I at least know I have resources set up in my class that can assist the students. I think the hardest part of all of this is just making sure I really push my students and myself to use those resources because I know my instinct is to go and help every student, but realistically I won't have time for that.
Ladson: I selected this article because I am still unsure on how to handle race in the classroom. I think I would have said what it seems like most teachers say that it is easier to be blind by race in the classroom and treat everyone equally, when in reality that may not be the best practice. After reading this article, I think it is important to acknowledge race in the classroom, however I am still a little confused on how much it needs to be acknowledged. Does a teacher need to make it acknowledged amongst the students? Or does the teacher just need to make sure that they can vary the lesson and cater to different students based on their race, similar to catering to students with different abilities? I see a lot of variation when it comes to students in my classroom in terms of race, however I don't really see my CT do anything differently with different students.
Marcus: The tip about setting up learning centers was a piece that I want to take away from this article to incorporate in my own classroom. I think it is important to have different centers that you can use as "backup" options for students who get done more quickly than others or who are being stubborn about a certain task. It was interesting to read the Marcus case because I might have not known what to do if I had a child like that in my class. I don't know if I would have been able to tell that it was giftedness or him just acting out. I think it was really important what the mom said about the teacher being able to challenge the student enough, but not push them to the point of frustration. I think this is something for all teachers to consider with all students in their classroom because each student might only be able to "handle" so much of a challenge and the teacher would have to alter how he/she approachers certain kinds of students.
ReplyDeleteI loved the suggestion you had for the Maples article about using that homework and putting it in the students' files so it can be passed on to other teachers. I think that's such a great idea. It would be cool to have it start in kindergarten or 1st grade and then maybe have the parents redo it by 3rd or 4th grade (since kids are always growing and changing who they are). I wish parents only knew how important their support for their child AND the teachers is. But you're right, where's the boundary? At what point do we say, "this parent just isn't going cooperate," and move on?
As far as the Marcus article, I also agree that one of the biggest struggles for teachers is that we're trying to find the balance of challenging but not so much that it's frustrating. And you mention that you don't know if you would be able to tell whether he was gifted or acting out and I think that's where the importance of communication with the parents come in. Working closely with the parents and informing them of the students behavior and progress is key to finding out what the case is.
Thanks for your thoughts :)