Sunday, January 23, 2011

Comparing Definitions/Literacy in the classroom

It seems that most of us have similar thoughts on how to define literacy. A lot of us agree that it can be used to generally describe reading and writing, but after digging a little deeper we found that there are more layers to this definition. The layers get in to the specifics of reading and writing and most of the points that were mentioned had to do with things we learned from TE 301. All of these definitions seemed to have had some "reconstruction" as people gave it more thought. These definitions show compilations of multiple meanings and interpretations, all of which I am sure will be under construction for a while. I think defining literacy was important for us all to do because it keeps us in check with what we need to focus on and what things we consider important.

I think I see a lot of literacy in my classroom. Yes, I do see them do literacy lessons, but even reading directions out loud as a class or writing observations for science can be considered incorporating literacy. Lately, the students have been writing stories on half sheets of paper and then drawing a picture to accompany it. This is one of the most direct forms of dealing with literacy that I have observed. This is a really good way for the CT and I to gauge where they are at with their writing. I have also observed them read to each other and read to me. Again, this is a great way for me to see where they are at with their reading skills, specifically when they come across a word they do not know and I take note on how they figure it out. I also notice what kinds of books they are reading and get to have a sense of all of the different reading levels that are present in the classroom when they sit down and read with me. My ideal literacy learning environment would consist of incorporating literacy in to all subjects because I feel it is really important for students to learn and the more they work with it, the easier it will be for them. I think incorporating it in to all subjects is good to because then they do not even realize they are doing literacy activities. I think there might be some students who do not prefer literacy, so if it is disguised it might make it less intimidating.

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